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Speakers - Casey

Conrad is President of Communication Consultants, WBS, Inc,

  Casey Conrad is President of Communication Consultants, WBS, Inc., a company dedicated to providing high quality sales and communication seminars for professionals in the health and fitness industry worldwide.  She is the author if “Selling Fitness: The Complete Guide to Selling Health Club Memberships,” the first book in the industry which is specifically designed to help salespeople sell memberships.  In addition, she has created 17 other sales, marketing and management books, videos and audio-tapes, including the best sellers Mastering Fitness Sales, How to Give A Professional Fitness Sales Presentation and How to Close the Sale and Overcome Objections. Most recently Casey has created an entire line of comprehensive training programs that are delivered on-line. These include membership sales, personal training sales and Internet marketing.
  With over 25 years experience in the field, Casey has held various positions including that of Sales Coordinator, Sales Manager, General Manager, District Manager and Sales Trainer.  Casey earned her BA at The American University and her JD at Roger Williams University School of Law.  In addition, she is certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuro-Associative Conditioning.
  Casey is a regular featured columnist for Club Business International Magazine, Body Life Magazine, Club Success, Club Insider, Il Nuovo Club and the New England Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association newsletter.  Casey has been a featured presenter in 19 countries.  She provides programs for the community, works in-house for companies and has spoken for many industry organizations including IHRSA, Club Industry, Gold’s Gym Enterprises, Network for Fitness Professionals, Australia, Bodylife in England and Germany, EFFA in Holland and Forum in Italy, to name a few.
Her Sessions:
NO.1:The 8 Steps to Successfully Selling Health Club Memberships

  The majority of a clubs’ revenues come from membership dues.  This means that every single prospect that walks through the clubs’ doors is critically important.  If your sales team does not have the skills to successfully tour, present and close the prospect on buying you will miss out on valuable revenues.  Therefore it is critical that your sales team have a consistent, proven system for selling.  In this session participants will learn the 8 steps to selling, including:

·         · The importance of the Needs Analysis to establish rapport and build desire.
·         · The technique that must be used to give a dynamic club tour.
·         · How to present memberships to improve closing percentage.
·         · The 6 steps to overcoming any objection.
·         · How and why to ask for referrals at the time of sale. 
NO.2:The 5 Master Tools of Influence
  When a prospect walks through the doors of a health and fitness facility they never say, “Gee, I’m here because I feel so good I thought I’d buy a membership!”  Most people come to a health club because they are unhappy with the way they feel or look about their physical well being.  Unfortunately, prospects don’t always walk out of the club as a happy new member.  Of course, in some cases in might have been that the club didn’t meet their needs but more often than not it was because the salesperson wasn’t able to motivate the prospect to buy at that moment.  In this advanced seminar, salespeople will learn the most important tools of influence and persuasion and specifically how to apply those tools to the fitness sales process.  Participants will learn:
·         · Advanced strategies for rapport.
·         · How to design “empowering” and “probing” questions that engage a prospect.
·         · How to use the process of “anchoring” to increase a prospect’s desire.
·         · The unconscious tools of persuasion.
·         · How to use the art of “framing” to control a prospects focus.